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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-23334

Moving from before the first visible item in ListView doesn't work correctly




      With the following code, press enter to change the content y to 80, then space to do a move(1, 18, 1).

      Then, flick downwards. Observe the items are ordered incorrectly: the top item is Item 19 and the bottom item in the view is Item 16. The item ordering range is 19-29 followed by 12-16. This is fixed eventually if you flick up and down a bit to refill but then the first item (Item 0) ends up at -360.

      Additionally, Item 1 is now just above the visible area and it will stay outside of the visible area even if you try to flick up to it.

      import QtQuick 2.0
      Item {
          width: 600; height: 600
          ListView {
              id: view2
              width: 240; height: 320
              x: 100
              y: 100
              model: ListModel {
                  id: model2
                  Component.onCompleted: {
                      for (var i=0; i<30; i++) {
                          append({'name': 'item ' + i})
              delegate: Rectangle {
                  border.width: 1
                  width: 200; height: 20;
                  Row {
                      Text { text: name + " : " + index + " : " }
                      Text { text: " " + parent.parent.x + ", " + parent.parent.y }
                  objectName: name
              focus: true
              Keys.onSpacePressed: {
                  model.move(1, 18, 1)
              Keys.onEnterPressed: {
                  contentY = 80
          Rectangle {
              anchors.fill: view2
              color: "lightsteelblue"
              opacity: 0.3
          Text { anchors.right: parent.right; text: "content y:" + view2.contentY + ", count: " + model2.count }// + " " + view2.count }


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            bealam Bea Lam (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            bealam Bea Lam (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
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