Release Notes - Qt - Version 4.7.4 - HTML format


  • [QTBUG-2199] - Symbian: Function idealThreadCount() needs to report the correct value
  • [QTBUG-9501] - Missing doc for QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS
  • [QTBUG-10800] - Provide a way to show QML errors and warnings straight from QML Viewer running on Symbian device
  • [QTBUG-12305] - TextEdit and Text elements lack visibleLines and maximumVisibleLines properties
  • [QTBUG-12704] - Suggestion to add a reload function to to qml Image
  • [QTBUG-12714] - Symbian: QComboBox popup Listbox size is not adjusted
  • [QTBUG-13242] - Support for justification in Text element
  • [QTBUG-13351] - Qml Viewer runtime.activeWindow functionality should be available for standalone QML applications
  • [QTBUG-14228] - QDBusDemarshaller does not support unix FD:s, introduced in dbus 1.4
  • [QTBUG-14296] - QML - add support for Text leading (line-spacing)
  • [QTBUG-14910] - Symbian: backgroundtexture should be shared across applications
  • [QTBUG-14964] - Property bindings cannot be made from within a javascript statement
  • [QTBUG-15149] - QML Transition element should have "enabled" property
  • [QTBUG-15161] - No way of identifying elements created by Repeater
  • [QTBUG-15703] - BorderImage needs sourceSize too
  • [QTBUG-16027] - Focus frame should be optional for Symbian widgets
  • [QTBUG-16190] - TextEdit and TextInput needs "canPaste" property
  • [QTBUG-16213] - Add positionViewAtBeginning() and positionViewAtEnd() functions ListView and GridView
  • [QTBUG-16467] - Document all anchors on the anchor docs page
  • [QTBUG-16580] - Add NOTIFY signals to Flipable.front/back (patch attached)
  • [QTBUG-17003] - QML TextInput element to support masking delay when using Password echo mode
  • [QTBUG-17071] - Custom QML element names shouldn't have "QML" in the beginning of the documentation.
  • [QTBUG-17119] - Improve documentation of sectionPosition
  • [QTBUG-17781] - Make QtScript support COLLECT_ON_EVERY_ALLOCATION
  • [QTBUG-18715] - qt_s60_setPartialScreenInputMode function should also update inputcontext hints when mode changes.
  • [QTBUG-20155] - Not possible to catch RequestSoftwareInputPanel with eventFilter() on Symbian


  • [QTBUG-1184] - Race condition in QThread
  • [QTBUG-1371] - When using a qt.conf file with qmake, then the path to moc.exe uses a mix of directory separators
  • [QTBUG-2314] - Inconsistent cursor movement when QApplication::layoutDirection()==Qt::RightToLeft
  • [QTBUG-3135] - Add missing variables for QMAKE_EXTRA_* from the docs
  • [QTBUG-3754] - qtconfig doesn't build if qt3 support is disabled
  • [QTBUG-5645] - SSL Memory leaks on Mac.
  • [QTBUG-6150] - qmake generates makefiles and xcode-project for i386 on PPC host
  • [QTBUG-6467] - deployment-x11.html, contains a bug, it could break the arguments passed to the application
  • [QTBUG-6876] - Gesture event propagation doesn't work as expected
  • [QTBUG-6955] - Installation of commercial OS X 4.6 debug libraries does not work
  • [QTBUG-7567] - QStyledItemDelegate::displayText() does not get called for null values
  • [QTBUG-7810] - QUrl::isValid() returns true for invalid URLs if the scheme is not http
  • [QTBUG-7892] - Documentation for QAudioInput::start is not sufficient
  • [QTBUG-8078] - Wrong interface function used in "implementing interface factories" example
  • [QTBUG-8169] - QMake fails to generate correct Makefiles when following conditions apply: unix, shadowdir build, .pro file, .pri file refers to a file with case error in file name
  • [QTBUG-8860] - QSqlTableModel serious bug when preparing statement
  • [QTBUG-9316] - Diagramscene's Arrow class has slots but isn't a QObject
  • [QTBUG-9817] - QMake fails to build with build directories deeper then the source directory
  • [QTBUG-9859] - Symbian: Network access is wrong
  • [QTBUG-9924] - On symbian, QMessageBox icon is on different side than in native message boxes
  • [QTBUG-9990] - QIcon::fromTheme doc page repeats URL twice instead of making it a hyperlink
  • [QTBUG-10054] - QS60Style: Menu separators should be supported
  • [QTBUG-10633] - mingw: tool commands have no path separator between qt bin dir and command name
  • [QTBUG-10894] - Flickable default too sensitive
  • [QTBUG-11131] - QAbstractScrollArea::setViewport() causes crash when used from within event handler method
  • [QTBUG-11280] - Touch based gestures may trigger twice
  • [QTBUG-11365] - QTextBoundaryFinder.boundaryReasons() returns incorrect values
  • [QTBUG-11481] - Floating Dock Widget behavior on Mac [REGRESSION]
  • [QTBUG-11602] - qmake, qtconf with relative path
  • [QTBUG-11764] - QML: Animating the background of a rectangle also animates the border
  • [QTBUG-11935] - With MySQL version > 50000 the QMYSQLDriver::tables() returns tables in all databases on the server
  • [QTBUG-12686] - Reset of HTTP sockets also resetting custom SSL socket connection
  • [QTBUG-12908] - Compressed HTTP reply uncompression fails if buffer fills exactly
  • [QTBUG-13087] - Should be able to delay binding evaluation for dynamically created objects
  • [QTBUG-13123] - Symbian: Empty QPixmap converts to CFbsBitmap with invalid size
  • [QTBUG-13136] - Symbian: Softkeys example application layouts incorrectly in "Fullscreen with softkeys" mode after orientation switch
  • [QTBUG-13591] - Doc style - Table headings are not aligned with column text
  • [QTBUG-13730] - QGraphicsScene::render ignores existing clip path of painter
  • [QTBUG-13759] - Symbian: Button is shown pressed when the finger is slided outside of the button area
  • [QTBUG-13867] - Native Cocoa Dialogs ( QFileDialog, QColorDialog etc ) being duplicate when opened from a modal dialog
  • [QTBUG-14042] - 'running' does not work properly when bound to a value in the standalone animation case
  • [QTBUG-14058] - Wrong availableGeometry detected in Symbian
  • [QTBUG-14123] - Options menu sits behind soft keys when orientation is changed to landscape
  • [QTBUG-14217] - Unresolved symbol QGLWindowSurface::staticMetaObject when building for Windows Mobile 5.0 with OpenGL ES 1.1 support
  • [QTBUG-14424] - Symbian: Unable to create valid QPixmap from CFbsBitmap using QPixmap::fromSymbianCFbsBitmap(),if the CFbsBitmap contains 12 MP image.
  • [QTBUG-14440] - calling QImageReader::supportedImageFormats() before creating a QApplication caches an incomplete list of supported formats
  • [QTBUG-14445] - Documentation on exception safety refers to non-existent method
  • [QTBUG-14477] - qt debug libs not correct for 4.7.1
  • [QTBUG-14520] - SSL Isn't working with osx 10.5
  • [QTBUG-14580] - Documentation mishap in QUndoFramework
  • [QTBUG-14620] - ListModel should selectively emit changed signals
  • [QTBUG-14698] - QML signals example doesn't work under Linux
  • [QTBUG-14728] - lupdate redirects all output to standard error instead of only error output
  • [QTBUG-14734] - Certain characters in Text item cause an ASSERT
  • [QTBUG-14742] - Flickable is only flickable in vertical direction by two fingers on macbook
  • [QTBUG-14771] - QDeclarativeView fails to show source if scene is set
  • [QTBUG-14792] - QML Visual tests are not all passing.
  • [QTBUG-14831] - [Regression] Dynamic sorting of a QSortFilterProxyModel on a QSqlTableModel with OnManualSubmit is broken (4.7 regression)
  • [QTBUG-14909] - Calculator QML demo is rotated wrongly
  • [QTBUG-14953] - Icon in QMessageBox::question is deformed on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-14957] - Only core QML elements can have implicit size
  • [QTBUG-14974] - ListView and GridView + contentY performance
  • [QTBUG-15004] - Instable behavior of QNetworkAccess in multi-threaded context (Maemo 5 PR 1.3 only)
  • [QTBUG-15031] - Predictive text is not committed when writing in a QLineEdit
  • [QTBUG-15167] - QML keyboard focus does not work from Components in Loader
  • [QTBUG-15187] - Comparing of memory chunks with garbage
  • [QTBUG-15190] - value returned by ListModel::get() doesn't reflect call to set() if get() has already been called
  • [QTBUG-15228] - Declarative debugging available without declarative module and without debug
  • [QTBUG-15278] - QWidget::windowState gets out of sync if the window is maximised via Aero Snap.
  • [QTBUG-15283] - It's not possible to use href links in a text element which is also selectable
  • [QTBUG-15330] - A forgetten initialization of a variable used in syncqt script
  • [QTBUG-15356] - PathView doesn't update if preferredHighlightBegin and preferredHighlightEnd changed
  • [QTBUG-15391] - Missing "-Wl," for a linker flag in mkspecs/win32-g++
  • [QTBUG-15421] - [Regression] QDirIterator returns hidden directories when it should only return files and returns hidden files when it should only return directories
  • [QTBUG-15474] - Mac: Qt::Sheet dialog permanently loses focus after moving the parent window
  • [QTBUG-15493] - qmlviewer crashes when calling qmlViewer.reload() in a .qml
  • [QTBUG-15510] - GCCE should not be under the scope of IBM xlC (AIX)
  • [QTBUG-15513] - Fonts have different sizes between Qt 4.6.3 & Qt 4.7.1
  • [QTBUG-15583] - QResource docs point to obsolete method
  • [QTBUG-15626] - passing -declarative-debug to configure fails
  • [QTBUG-15642] - ListView.onAdd signal is not called for the first item added
  • [QTBUG-15679] - Incorrect text rendering when mixing some scripts in the same QTextLayout
  • [QTBUG-15685] - Obsolete logic in unix configure script
  • [QTBUG-15688] - [REG]: Memory usage increases a lot when QFontMetrics::boundingRect() is used
  • [QTBUG-15705] - QDeclarativeTextInput::mousePressEvent() doesn't call QInputContext::mouseHandler()
  • [QTBUG-15756] - Memory leak in «Undo Framework» example
  • [QTBUG-15818] - TextInput selectWord() on word's first letter often selects two words
  • [QTBUG-15862] - KeyNavigation breaks if item "enabled" state is false or "visible" state is false
  • [QTBUG-15870] - Svg images render incorrectly on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-15897] - [REG] QMainWindow crash in destructor when having a QDockWidget of type Qt::Drawer containing a QTreeWidget
  • [QTBUG-15910] - setstylesheet on a QComboBox causes a segmentation fault
  • [QTBUG-15911] - qt failed to build locally on ARM platform
  • [QTBUG-15978] - QLibraryInfo::location(TranslationsPath) does not honor qtlibinfix
  • [QTBUG-15981] - Bearer API does not allow activation of mobile broadband connection
  • [QTBUG-15983] - Cannot pass enum value as signal parameter from C++ to QML
  • [QTBUG-15987] - Command line arguments aren't available in main function on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-16004] - Changing the apps in "Qt Examples and Demos" gives warnings to console
  • [QTBUG-16007] - QSqlTableModel::removeRows() fails to remove rows with NULL values.
  • [QTBUG-16022] - QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::expand discards data if gzip-stream has a missing end-of-stream marker
  • [QTBUG-16175] - REG: Qt 4.7/Linux Qt Designer / Qt Creator show multiple warnings: "Application asked to unregister timer 0x17000002 which is not registered in this thread. Fix application."
  • [QTBUG-16176] - configure.exe ignores failed call of syncqt
  • [QTBUG-16230] - GridView contentX and contentY do not reset when changing flow
  • [QTBUG-16248] - Document Gallery example Media Browser can't display photos on Symbian platform.
  • [QTBUG-16265] - XmlRole query number()
  • [QTBUG-16282] - Support clicking outside TextEdit and TextInput defocuses item
  • [QTBUG-16283] - TextEdit and TextInput need text selection modes
  • [QTBUG-16284] - Disable drag and drop in TextEdit and TextInput
  • [QTBUG-16292] - QTreeView crash in indexRowSizeHint/itemHeight [investigation, patch]
  • [QTBUG-16319] - Loader with sourceComponent results in double calls to onLoaded
  • [QTBUG-16353] - qmlviewer tracing blocks system's default message handler on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-16366] - PathView/VisualDataModel - currentItem is not updated when the rootIndex changes
  • [QTBUG-16369] - Typo in tools/linguist/lupdate/qscript.cpp
  • [QTBUG-16388] - Bounds overshooting of QML Flickable Element has an unnatural feel
  • [QTBUG-16389] - Row/Column layout has unexpected effect on Image's sourceSize
  • [QTBUG-16401] - QGraphicsScene returns focus incorrectly when QGraphicsView is focused
  • [QTBUG-16422] - Big coordinate values cause segfault on ARM when calling QGraphicsEllipseItem::contains
  • [QTBUG-16423] - XmlRole number() queries should give NaN for non-number values
  • [QTBUG-16462] - qdoc3 segfaults due to a unitialized member variable when using the WebXML output.
  • [QTBUG-16468] - QHostInfoCache should use QElapsedTimer instead of QTime
  • [QTBUG-16492] - Qt.formatTime() should accept QTime values
  • [QTBUG-16520] - AnimatedImage does not notify on status change
  • [QTBUG-16522] - QML ListView Should Support Dynamic Headers and Footers
  • [QTBUG-16596] - Coding convention for JavaScript functions in QML is unclear
  • [QTBUG-16597] - Memory leaks in qx11embed_x11.cpp
  • [QTBUG-16612] - BorderImage's "asynchronous" property needs to be documented and verified
  • [QTBUG-16616] - Problem in error case in getNetWmState() in qwidget_x11.cpp
  • [QTBUG-16619] - QML WebView example usage code is missing
  • [QTBUG-16624] - Docs for QML variant claims one can use JSON notation
  • [QTBUG-16648] - When a string written in Thai is displayed on a label then it will not be rendered correctly
  • [QTBUG-16652] - Compilation of "4.7" branch fails: private/qdrawhelper_arm_simd_p.h: No such file or directory
  • [QTBUG-16669] - Missing xref from QByteArray::resize to truncate()
  • [QTBUG-16671] - Documentation for qUncompress needs a rewrite
  • [QTBUG-16683] - Passing QVariants from QML to C++ causes them to have corrupted contents.
  • [QTBUG-16687] - qmake/Symbian: createpackage should be called with absolute path
  • [QTBUG-16736] - RotationAnimation animation whose alwaysRunToEnd property is true gets stuck if started too often
  • [QTBUG-16785] - QML app: After layout switch the focused text input field is not visible on Split view
  • [QTBUG-16855] - Crash at exit solaris/gcc in QVariantAnimation::registerInterpolator
  • [QTBUG-16856] - States property changes on mouse hover way not be completely reset
  • [QTBUG-16857] - Black corners around popup menu in Symbian^3
  • [QTBUG-16858] - QComboBox popup list has black background around it in Symbian^3
  • [QTBUG-16865] - Some errata on the Address Book tutorial
  • [QTBUG-16871] - QML crashes when declaring a list with primitives
  • [QTBUG-16875] - Document for QAbstractItemView::setModel()
  • [QTBUG-16893] - qmake abld backend does not generate clean target for mif files
  • [QTBUG-16900] - Weird documentation for ItemSceneHasChanged and ItemSceneChange in QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemChange
  • [QTBUG-16912] - Unix configure script issues warnings about qsharedpointer_impl.h
  • [QTBUG-16918] - When using qt_mac_set_dock_menu() then a message indicating that an object of class NSCFArray is autoreleased with no pool in place is outputted
  • [QTBUG-16928] - Different result for implicitWidth and implicitHeight use
  • [QTBUG-16948] - ListModel insert() not mentioned where you'd expect it to be
  • [QTBUG-16951] - mocinclude.tmp not generated
  • [QTBUG-16954] - Font glyps can be clipped for italic fonts with large bearings on Mac
  • [QTBUG-16956] - Selecting multiple lines on TextEdit inside flickable is not possible
  • [QTBUG-16959] - Crash when using Grid.TopToBottom flow with Repeater inside Grid
  • [QTBUG-16964] - Typo qdeclarativevisualitemmodel.cpp
  • [QTBUG-16973] - The use for Item's visible property needs to be better documented
  • [QTBUG-16984] - QTabWidget tabs are resized in wrong way when device orientation changes
  • [QTBUG-16999] - QML TextInput doesn't scroll if writing preedit at the end of the line
  • [QTBUG-17004] - QMAKE_CLEAN qmake variable is not supported in symbian-sbsv2 mkspec
  • [QTBUG-17008] - ListView + XmlListModel freeze application when change language key combination
  • [QTBUG-17014] - Qt event delivery is unreliable on windows platforms
  • [QTBUG-17020] - QPainter::drawText() fails to draw correct text in some circumstances.Related to QTBUG-12950
  • [QTBUG-17037] - Dependency missing from DEPLOYMENT handling to QMAKE_POST_LINK in symbian-sbsv2 builds
  • [QTBUG-17045] - QGraphicsWebView: Background application visible if QComboBox item list opened while Split view
  • [QTBUG-17053] - QImage and QtCreator loops forever on opening particular SVG file
  • [QTBUG-17065] - listView: ContentX and Content Y not being reset correctly when orientation changed
  • [QTBUG-17068] - ListView sections are not updated on item changes
  • [QTBUG-17114] - QtQuick 1.1 alignment regression
  • [QTBUG-17117] - Arabic reordering problem when 2 fonts are used
  • [QTBUG-17120] - document shows incorrect graphics
  • [QTBUG-17121] - QMLViewer hang up when IMM is switched in PhotoViewer demo
  • [QTBUG-17156] - Repeater's count and itemAt() not always correct
  • [QTBUG-17169] - QMap::iterator - small mistake in detailed postfix operator--(int) description
  • [QTBUG-17173] - QDeclarativeView flickers when composited on MeeGo
  • [QTBUG-17179] - designer crashes when replacing a widget with another with the same name
  • [QTBUG-17183] - QML workerscript errors are not logged to console
  • [QTBUG-17199] - ICD Bearer management: Causes the main thread to hang when ran on a different thread.
  • [QTBUG-17209] - Bug-231 introduces an off-by-one error
  • [QTBUG-17230] - QPlainTextEdit corruption/crash after scrolling
  • [QTBUG-17238] - QTextLayout crashes inside harfbuzz Lookup_MarkMarkPos
  • [QTBUG-17244] - QGraphicsLayout Layouting should be done in one go. Ugly layouting visible otherwise
  • [QTBUG-17254] - XPM files crash QImage (write)
  • [QTBUG-17276] - "Inline" overrided property value not applied correctly
  • [QTBUG-17315] - Wrong QMAKE_COPY_DIR value in win32-g++ spec
  • [QTBUG-17316] - Networked QML application crashes when Symbian device goes to Offline mode
  • [QTBUG-17324] - incorrect 'version is not installed' error when importing QML module
  • [QTBUG-17333] - Mac: Crash when clearing a style sheet on a QTableView
  • [QTBUG-17357] - Update documentation regarding OpenGL support on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-17361] - Nested pressDelays crashes application
  • [QTBUG-17365] - QML TextInput and TextEdit cursor keeps blinking when window looses focus
  • [QTBUG-17383] - Flickable uses the flick velocity rather than the instantaneous velocity to determine whether to retain grab
  • [QTBUG-17390] - Child widgets don't inherit their parent's input contexts
  • [QTBUG-17396] - QML Textinput doesn't call ic->update when preedit changes
  • [QTBUG-17437] - Unexpected behaviour when rotation passes 180º
  • [QTBUG-17443] - Feedreadercrash: when opening feed with unicode characters [Bug 225913]
  • [QTBUG-17444] - QDeclarativeEngineDebugServer asserts for non-serializable list
  • [QTBUG-17461] - Spinbox, No way to enter negative value on N8 environment
  • [QTBUG-17464] - SIGBUS in fetchAndAddOrdered from QIcdEngine::connectionStateSignalsSlot
  • [QTBUG-17472] - Qt 4.7 : Compilation Failure & Autotest Failure
  • [QTBUG-17487] - ';' for INCLUDEPATH separater not accepted any more
  • [QTBUG-17501] - Focus: Tap any of the Rounded-cornered rectangle, the context menu doesn't disappear.
  • [QTBUG-17505] - Inflexible focus handling in QGraphicsScene [Bugzilla 228198]
  • [QTBUG-17516] - QTreeWidget::itemAt()
  • [QTBUG-17522] - QHistoryState documentation should include calls to setInitialState
  • [QTBUG-17536] - qguistatemachine::cloneEvent doesn't clone GraphicsSceneWheel Events correctly
  • [QTBUG-17540] - There should be a way to remove NetworkServices capability from projects that get it added automatically without resorting to ugly hacks.
  • [QTBUG-17549] - SpringAnimation is a NumberAnimation
  • [QTBUG-17555] - QDeclarativeListProperty is marked as being part of QtGui
  • [QTBUG-17556] - Replace "QPen pen();" with "QPen pen;"
  • [QTBUG-17562] - TextInput text in echo mode PasswordEchoOnEdit revealed on refocus
  • [QTBUG-17576] - GraphicsViews: Focused widget is not visible after orientation change
  • [QTBUG-17592] - qml.pri causes havoc on Symbian 3.2 and 5.0
  • [QTBUG-17594] - ListView.indexAt returns wrong index
  • [QTBUG-17606] - QML ListView - Strange section header duplication when a ListItem is removed below a section header
  • [QTBUG-17727] - "sbs --what" doesn't list all generated files in symbian-sbsv2
  • [QTBUG-17736] - Configure script copies the default mkspec instead of making a symbolic link, which causes symbian-sbsv2 mkspec scope checks to fail
  • [QTBUG-17738] - [regression, bisected] 780b4d84205f16c46f6c5e85e6c1925beb4e4dba breaks all QComboBox instances on OSX
  • [QTBUG-17746] - QNetworkCookie: do not strip cookies from quotes
  • [QTBUG-17757] - ListView.section documentation does not state multiple sections can get created
  • [QTBUG-17759] - Painting and scrolling errors when ListView's is changed
  • [QTBUG-17765] - canPaste always start out false
  • [QTBUG-17769] - Drag over bounds errors when ListView has variable height content
  • [QTBUG-17771] - new properties in QtQuick 1.1 not documented as such
  • [QTBUG-17775] - Crash when using FolderListModel with a Repeater
  • [QTBUG-17776] - Qmlviewer: qmlviewer will crash after closing the application "flickr demo"
  • [QTBUG-17777] - Incorrect visible property for action's widget in QToolBar on Symbian platform
  • [QTBUG-17778] - Samegame: Player's score information is shown several times
  • [QTBUG-17788] - Crash when calling collectGarbage() after requesting arguments object of native context
  • [QTBUG-17812] - regression: qsortfilterproxymodel::reset doesn't invalidate the model (Windows)
  • [QTBUG-17815] - Missing APIShims in obsoleted QScriptValue constructors
  • [QTBUG-17823] - QSystemTrayIcon balloon text color is light on a hardcoded yellow ballloon, so it makes it almost invisible to read.
  • [QTBUG-17828] - PinchArea scale factor behaves asymmetrically
  • [QTBUG-17829] - PinchArea and Flickable don't work well enough together
  • [QTBUG-17830] - Flickable's physics needs improving
  • [QTBUG-17840] - QS60Style slows down orientation switch by updating the widgets unnecessarily
  • [QTBUG-17844] - Different point size for the font created using QFont class and returned by QFontDialog
  • [QTBUG-17858] - QInputContext::reset() documentation does not reflect that it commits pre-edit
  • [QTBUG-17860] - word by word selection selects spaces on wrong end of word and becomes broken
  • [QTBUG-17863] - QML TextInput gets confused with cursor position on QInputMethodEvent with replacement info
  • [QTBUG-17864] - word tracker off after scrolling
  • [QTBUG-17866] - regression: QTableView unnecessary scrolls when a column is selected
  • [QTBUG-17874] - autotest failure between Qt 4.6.3 and Qt 4.7.2 in QLinearGradient::setStops method on Symbian^3 platform
  • [QTBUG-17879] - QtQuick documentation needs to notify about LGPL obligations
  • [QTBUG-17927] - Simplified Chinese language is not supported in Qt 4.7.2
  • [QTBUG-17930] - Regression: Theme background in style is incorrect
  • [QTBUG-17937] - GraphicsView with scrollbars: background application visible after split view opened and closed
  • [QTBUG-17964] - AnimatedImage does not change the progress value
  • [QTBUG-17977] - Qt.include() used in WorkerScript is broken on Windows
  • [QTBUG-17979] - Visible flashing on QML application when split view is opened and closed
  • [QTBUG-17982] - TextInput's selection is not erased when we use the keyboard arrows to go outside the boundaries of the text
  • [QTBUG-17984] - QML application: focused text input field is not visible when split view is opened
  • [QTBUG-17997] - "-opengl desktop" option should not select "-opengles2"
  • [QTBUG-18005] - XmlListModel fails on OpenStreetMap - regression due to bug 15836
  • [QTBUG-18006] - Line information potentially wrong for dynamic slots in .qml files
  • [QTBUG-18013] - OpenGL applications use unnecessary amount of memory under certain configuration
  • [QTBUG-18017] - Regression: Text selection with shift-click stopped working
  • [QTBUG-18026] - QTextBlock::previous() behavior regressed for invalid blocks
  • [QTBUG-18037] - ListView contentHeight & footer positioning are incorrect when the ListView fills its parent and the ListView's model count is 0
  • [QTBUG-18063] - qdoc3 depends on private header files from QML
  • [QTBUG-18072] - selectByMouse can't be turned off in TextEdit
  • [QTBUG-18086] - demos/browsers/networkaccessmanager.cpp fails to compile on Solaris 10/Sun Studio 12 C++
  • [QTBUG-18096] - QMatrix4x4 translate function
  • [QTBUG-18102] - Border still drawn on Rectangle elements when border.width == 0
  • [QTBUG-18120] - Qt Designer removes all zorder when adding/deleting a widget to the form
  • [QTBUG-18121] - Drag and Drop regression in Designer
  • [QTBUG-18123] - ListView highlight size reduced to 0 when the model is cleared
  • [QTBUG-18126] - QML Timer not working as expected when animation is involved
  • [QTBUG-18184] - mingw gcc 4 static build failed in toos/qml because of the symbol export in libQtOpenGL
  • [QTBUG-18185] - QStaticText: Wrong kerning and baselines when rotating a QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-18192] - Crash when invoking blockBoundingRect over a QTextDocument documentLayout
  • [QTBUG-18194] - Text does not redraw properly when moved
  • [QTBUG-18207] - QMAKE_CLEAN items with wildcards in symbian-abld builds will halt the build without obvious reason.
  • [QTBUG-18237] - Loading multiple (small) jpeg files -> out of memory
  • [QTBUG-18247] - tst_qpixmap test case failed on Symbian and Windows platforms with Qt 4.7
  • [QTBUG-18266] - More than one XmlListModel - Lists randomly show data from wrong model
  • [QTBUG-18303] - Arabic multiline text is clipped on the right
  • [QTBUG-18309] - QFtp crashes with SEGFAULT
  • [QTBUG-18343] - inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMicroFocus) fot TextInput return quite wide cursor rectangle
  • [QTBUG-18362] - wigglytext.qml does not behave correctly in qmlscene
  • [QTBUG-18375] - QSoftKeyManager auto tests fail
  • [QTBUG-18386] - Memory leak leading to crash in QML Rotation
  • [QTBUG-18397] - OpenStreetMap: The detail map information in magnifier wouldn't update immediately after change the location.
  • [QTBUG-18409] - If fullscreen application without softkeys opens a fullscreen child dialog with softkeys, once the child dialog closes, softkeys remain visible on application main screen.
  • [QTBUG-18412] - Crash in sendPostedEvents() - QObject::isWidgetType() (issue with QDeclarativePixmapReply)
  • [QTBUG-18416] - Unnecessary rounding of QRectF in QCoreGraphicsPaintEngine::drawPixmap
  • [QTBUG-18428] - Colored and underlined styled text are not underlined or completely coloured on device
  • [QTBUG-18436] - "create_prl" option ignored when used along with CONFIG += plugin
  • [QTBUG-18441] - Regression: GridView jumps to beginning of list when resized
  • [QTBUG-18442] - image:the sourceSize of image should be reset while changing the source of image
  • [QTBUG-18482] - QS60Style: Regression in drawing dialog background
  • [QTBUG-18486] - Control pane (RSK Cancel) of the test note is covered by "Options, Exit" when re-launching the application from Open applications list
  • [QTBUG-18493] - Qt reserves graphics resources when launching application directly to background
  • [QTBUG-18496] - When orientation changes to landscape in fullscreen with softkeys mode, screen is drawn twice
  • [QTBUG-18500] - QTextBlock crash
  • [QTBUG-18501] - Incorrect layout using Row.layoutDirection
  • [QTBUG-18509] - Qftp: After the downloading cancelled, the file can't be re-downloaded.
  • [QTBUG-18515] - TextEdit cursorRectangle gives unexpected y values with center or bottom vertical alignment is set
  • [QTBUG-18530] - QComboBox broken on Mac
  • [QTBUG-18537] - Compiling Qt on Windows XP x64 using MinGW-w64 fails
  • [QTBUG-18547] - Buffer overrun in QMacPixmapData::macCreatePixels (QPixmap_mac.cpp)
  • [QTBUG-18549] - Animation timer seems to take too long time to expire during scrolling a qml list in Symbian device.
  • [QTBUG-18572] - Crash with KERN-EXEC 0 when QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate fails to connect
  • [QTBUG-18573] - Anchor layout causes too many size changes
  • [QTBUG-18581] - ListView has wrong keyPressEvent behaviour when vertical
  • [QTBUG-18587] - Roles are not removed in listmodel
  • [QTBUG-18591] - qdoc generates a <li> item outside of a list.
  • [QTBUG-18595] - Enable remote debugging for qmlviewer
  • [QTBUG-18621] - qmlviewer continues to use CPU cycles after startup animation has finished
  • [QTBUG-18625] - lrelease -markuntranslated does not work for non-id-based TS files
  • [QTBUG-18627] - Elide has unexpected effect on Text's implicitWidth
  • [QTBUG-18667] - Static OpenSSL + static Qt fails on Windows because of a 'const' qualifier in SSL_ctrl.
  • [QTBUG-18679] - Bug in QDataWidgetMapper's detailed description
  • [QTBUG-18682] - QImage convertToFormat does not work with certain image formats when default (OpenVG) rendering engine used.
  • [QTBUG-18694] - QS60Style: itemview item with checkbox and text is drawn incorrectly when highlighted
  • [QTBUG-18735] - Changing TextInput's echoMode changes (resets?) the inputMethodHints
  • [QTBUG-18737] - QGraphicsView with vertical scrolbar flickers somewhat when splitview opens
  • [QTBUG-18738] - QGraphicsView opening a context menu should avoid re-position of focusItem
  • [QTBUG-18758] - QML Observer debugger does not work with Qt3D
  • [QTBUG-18768] - Inconsistency between TextInput and TextEdit cursor positioning when doing empty selection
  • [QTBUG-18771] - QtDeclarative crashes when invalid 'HELLO" message is sent to debug port
  • [QTBUG-18772] - QDesktopServices::openUrl() doesn't handle URL encodings correctly
  • [QTBUG-18789] - TextInput scrolls unnecessarily when committing a word near right edge while having text on front of committed word
  • [QTBUG-18791] - The \sa (see also) text is not being written to the DITA XML files
  • [QTBUG-18795] - QNetworkConfigurationManager::allConfigurations(QNetworkConfiguration::Active) not returning any active configuration when instantiated and called from Secondary thread
  • [QTBUG-18825] - PathView does not highlight properly when contents are removed from listModel
  • [QTBUG-18832] - Qt apps on N8 cannot display Chinese characters correctly
  • [QTBUG-18835] - Wiggly: Rotate device causing UI of the application display abnormally
  • [QTBUG-18839] - ListView does not redisplay new contents when model resets
  • [QTBUG-18863] - QS60Style: compiling simulated style crashes due to missing placeHolderTexture implementation
  • [QTBUG-18869] - Compilation breakage for Symbian (qmltooling)
  • [QTBUG-18873] - Input method hints are not correct if using proxy widget
  • [QTBUG-18887] - TextEdit mouse selection doesn't work when the field is ReadOnly and selectByMouse is initially false but set to true during the mouse event sequence.
  • [QTBUG-18892] - cursorDelegate in TextInput and TextEdit doesn't take the preedit in to account
  • [QTBUG-19001] - Screen goes black for a moment when changing device orientation in Symbian
  • [QTBUG-19037] - ListView does not notify count changes properly
  • [QTBUG-19043] - Fullscreen main window with softkeys initially layouts using full screen dimensions instead of client area dimensions
  • [QTBUG-19054] - Crash when entering text to TextInput which has maximum length set
  • [QTBUG-19067] - Font glyphs get clipped on the top
  • [QTBUG-19089] - TextInput positionToRectangle doesn't return correct coordinates for the cursor in pre-edit mode
  • [QTBUG-19104] - while setting a softkey action in a qt application on symbian, the icon specified only is shown partially
  • [QTBUG-19109] - Regression: TextEdit doesn't reposition cursorDelegate when set to readOnly
  • [QTBUG-19155] - Cannot build docs on Windows
  • [QTBUG-19157] - Crash in QGLContextPrivate::bindTexture() when using QPainter::fillRect() with a brush having a size > max_texture_size
  • [QTBUG-19164] - QList::mid may result in all new lists being corrupted
  • [QTBUG-19165] - QNetworkInterface::hardwareAddress() reports incorrect values
  • [QTBUG-19182] - QPainter::drawPixmapFragments and QPainter::drawTiledPixmap don't use texture pooling on Symbian GL engine
  • [QTBUG-19198] - ListView lose items
  • [QTBUG-19215] - QPrintPreviewWidget::Print(); slot prints clear blank pages
  • [QTBUG-19218] - ListView with a huge amount of items crashes during a random scrolling
  • [QTBUG-19223] - The qdoc DITA XML generator incorrectly escapes character data.
  • [QTBUG-19226] - Remove a logically possible case where an attribute can be written without a start tag being present
  • [QTBUG-19230] - Having mouseSelectionMode: TextInput.SelectWords in TextEdit makes it harder to select text
  • [QTBUG-19260] - Cursor cannot be placed between letters f and i - "fi" is interpreted as one character
  • [QTBUG-19338] - qdoc3 outputs some image pathnames as images//path instead of images/path
  • [QTBUG-19471] - Using QFileDialog crashes in Symbian
  • [QTBUG-19525] - drawText
  • [QTBUG-19528] - Opening symbol menu while typing with prediction on causes issues
  • [QTBUG-19571] - printing a QWebFrame to a printer produces only blank pages
  • [QTBUG-19578] - Fix BCM2727 detection function on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-19590] - x and y coordinates are wrong when UI orientation is changed to landscape using CAknAppUi::SetOrientationL() on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-19641] - The opengl module doesn't build on Solaris since 4.7.2 with CC 5.9
  • [QTBUG-19656] - Spectrum: the Mode menu disappears after the device is changed from portrait to landscape.
  • [QTBUG-19665] - Custom property name "onColor" cause application to crash
  • [QTBUG-19669] - All events that QDeclarativeDebugTrace shows on Symbian are of duration '0'
  • [QTBUG-19676] - horizontal and vertical velocities reported by "Flickable" element on "onFlickStarted" signal shows zeros randomly
  • [QTBUG-19689] - Textinput: last word inputted was duplicated after press "Password" button
  • [QTBUG-19702] - QtDeclaratived4.dll, QML, Integer division by zero.
  • [QTBUG-19734] - KERN-EXEC 3 panic in QCoeFepInputContext::translateInputWidget() method
  • [QTBUG-19782] - UI of the QWidget based applications those uses QGroupBoxs are mess up in latest Symbian RND release
  • [QTBUG-19821] - Flickr: There is gridding on picture
  • [QTBUG-19824] - Qt screen capture on OSX 10.7 Lion not working
  • [QTBUG-19856] - Doing an orientation change while in splitview mode and closing VKB causes QGraphicsView to be incorrectly resized.
  • [QTBUG-19864] - Predicted word is duplicated when doing an orientation switch
  • [QTBUG-19874] - Flicking behaviour of ListView/GridView is not consistent
  • [QTBUG-19878] - QImage constructor crash when opening some tiff images
  • [QTBUG-19880] - Drawing a QPixmap to QImage causes a deep copy on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-19911] - Orientation change causes unnecessary resizes to top level window on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-19912] - Long text is not scrolled to beginning when TextInput's cursor position is set to 0
  • [QTBUG-19914] - Segfault in QDeclarativeBinding::createBinding triggered by QMultimediaKit
  • [QTBUG-19919] - QTextEdit::setText docs link to qtextedit-qt3
  • [QTBUG-19933] - Flickable sending "flickStarted" signal at the end of a pan operation while we don't intend to flick
  • [QTBUG-19959] - [REG]: Hyperlinks are drawn too closely to the text in rich text on Mac
  • [QTBUG-19996] - Select all (ctrl+a), Cut (ctrl+x, Copy (ctrl+c), Paste (ctrl+v) do not work in Symbian in Qt editors
  • [QTBUG-20007] - Symbian: Do not add linked fonts to the QFontDatabase
  • [QTBUG-20009] - qmake with MinGW does not call mkdir -p
  • [QTBUG-20033] - closeSoftwareInputPanel() method is not closing the VKB when applied on TextEdit and TextInput elements | sample code given at link not working in this context
  • [QTBUG-20034] - Splitview - Auto-translation should translate as little as possible to ensure visibility of the cursor
  • [QTBUG-20142] - Some QML applications cannot be launched
  • [QTBUG-20159] - No effect of setting color on a QStaticText or a QML element
  • [QTBUG-20192] - Qt sis can't be created on symbian^1 5.0 and symbian^3 PS2 environments
  • [QTBUG-20197] - QLineF::angle() documentation is wrong
  • [QTBUG-20214] - QRentBook: LSK and RSK of booking page will change somethimes
  • [QTBUG-20218] - Symbian 5.3: QML text edit components are sending software input panel requests
  • [QTBUG-20240] - Regression: QS60Style - All standardIcons are drawn as "small icons"
  • [QTBUG-20243] - Browser demo does not handle closing of tab correctly
  • [QTBUG-20250] - Use FontLoader crash in Mac os when using chinese
  • [QTBUG-20255] - Regression: Some QMenus are shown completely transparent in Symbian
  • [QTBUG-20272] - Rtl: The alignment is totally in mess
  • [QTBUG-20273] - Rtl: "Justify alignment" is missing
  • [QTBUG-20275] - Textinput&Textedit: Button "Select None" cannot work well
  • [QTBUG-20310] - QML TextEdit crash with long text
  • [QTBUG-20339] - When camera application is opened and closed, the qml application in the background is getting closed
  • [QTBUG-20398] - Wrong QUrl "Detailed Description" documentation
  • [QTBUG-20423] - QFontEngineMulti::getGlyphBearings make access violation on read when in QML used a Japanese symbols
  • [QTBUG-20425] - Update bundled libpng to 1.5.4 (security)
  • [QTBUG-20444] - LineFeeds can not be deleted in QML TextEdit
  • [QTBUG-20496] - Qt does not compile under OSX Lion or llvm-gcc
  • [QTBUG-20517] - QDir::tempPath() and Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
  • [QTBUG-20651] - QMAKE: Windows: VS2008: RESOURCES instruction triggers "rcc.exe: File does not exist" message when qmake is run from another folder
  • [QTBUG-20669] - Symbian: DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY keyword needed in generated mmp files to support CODA 4.1.x
  • [QTBUG-20674] - Wrong link formatting on qmake-platform-notes page
  • [QTBUG-20697] - Symbian: the make file build system also need to support --debuggable for CODA 4.1.x
  • [QTBUG-20720] - Crash in QNetworkAccessHttpBackend::canResume ()
  • [QTBUG-20724] - ShaderEffectItems don't work on Symbian/OpenGL graphics system after app background/forground switch
  • [QTBUG-20736] - ShaderEffectItems start consuming GPU memory already at load time even if they are not shown. Also they consume GPU memory while application is in background.
  • [QTBUG-20742] - REG: Qt can't install on S60 5.0
  • [QTBUG-20743] - REG: Qt can't compile on S60 3.2
  • [QTBUG-20813] - Disabled splitscreen translation still moves screen
  • [QTBUG-20919] - "Word bubble" element doesn't disappear from QML TextEdit/TextInput elements after a tap when Symbian partial screen VKB is used
  • [QTBUG-20932] - Softkeys:In landscape mode, the combox window can not be showed completely.
  • [QTBUG-21044] - HTTP/Socket cannot co-exist only on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-21209] - Opening a file with QDesktopServices fails in Symbian Belle
  • [QTBUG-21219] - Flicking/dragging in nested vertical views contained in a horizontal ListView no longer works as expected
  • [QTBUG-21226] - Outdated Symbian platform Qt installation and requirements documentation
  • [QTBUG-21238] - BorderImage sourceSize property enforced between 4.7.3 and 4.7.4
  • [QTBUG-21306] - Declarative autotests pkg file generation broken.
  • [QTBUG-21319] - Supported devices section needs refinement in Symbian platform and compiler notes
  • [QTBUG-21340] - Print from an HTML file
  • [QTBUG-21429] - TextInput does not emit selectedTextChanged() when selection is dismissed by InputMethodEvent
  • [QTBUG-21640] - calling forceActiveFocus from onFocusChanged handler causes dangling pointer and crash (with patch)
  • [QTBUG-21756] - Cannot flick to the end of a horizontal list view if LayoutMirroring is enabled
  • [QTBUG-21823] - Errors in Qt autotests deployment for symbian
  • [QTBUG-21996] - Build Qt libraries failed
  • [QTBUG-22147] - Commiting predicted text using hardware keyboard replaces unwanted part
  • [QTBUG-25584] - Qt 4.7's documentation not respecting the DOCTYPE it shows


  • [QTBUG-7300] - Improve image caching
  • [QTBUG-14402] - Symbian: Wrapper Task for Qt and Qt Mobility Documentation Issues
  • [QTBUG-14899] - Emphasize in Image.fillMode documentation that clip is false by default.
  • [QTBUG-15148] - Enable setting resize origin for zooming
  • [QTBUG-15244] - Make sure all modules compiled by Raptor are also compiled by the symbian-armcc mkspec.
  • [QTBUG-15279] - Add versioning to new properties in QtQuick 1.1
  • [QTBUG-15331] - Optimizations for QtQuick 1.1
  • [QTBUG-15489] - Add autotest to check property and method versioning
  • [QTBUG-15491] - Add a PinchArea element
  • [QTBUG-15881] - Verify that QtQuick key navigation behaves well in right-to-left locales
  • [QTBUG-16059] - Implement deselect() function for TextInput and TextEdit elements
  • [QTBUG-16486] - QComboBox with QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection
  • [QTBUG-16572] - Support partial input mode
  • [QTBUG-16822] - Remove Qt dependancy to SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_WSERV_QT_EFFECTS
  • [QTBUG-17223] - Use the same "user-agent" header for the proxy as for the actual HTTP/HTTPS request
  • [QTBUG-17285] - Provide a way for MouseArea to grab mouse from parent Flickable in QML
  • [QTBUG-17366] - QML text editors need to expose preedit rectangle information
  • [QTBUG-17742] - Qt should use the RWindow::FixNativeOrientation on Symbian when conditions dictate that it is possible
  • [QTBUG-17849] - Implement a function for releasing cached GPU resources in VG engine
  • [QTBUG-17859] - Lazy in-place pixel format conversion for fromSymbianCFbsBitmap
  • [QTBUG-17882] - Implement QSymbianGraphicsSystemHelper utility API
  • [QTBUG-18251] - Implement tiled drawing in drawPixmap for the VG paint engine
  • [QTBUG-18338] - blacklist fraudulent SSL certifcates
  • [QTBUG-18346] - Backporting QML ShaderEffectItem from QML2.0 into Qt Quick 1.1
  • [QTBUG-18483] - Make sure all modules compiled by Raptor are also compiled by the symbian-gcce mkspec.
  • [QTBUG-18484] - Enable the build of QtWebKit in symbian-gcce
  • [QTBUG-18485] - Make sure the default option for opengl on Symbian is correct
  • [QTBUG-18543] - Allow the \include qdoc command to include a snippet from a .qdocinc file instead of always including the entire file.
  • [QTBUG-18550] - Allow certain metadata tags to have multiple values
  • [QTBUG-18568] - QPixmapCache default limit on Symbian should be changed to 10 MB
  • [QTBUG-18647] - Enable the build of openvg for Symbian^3 in makefile build system
  • [QTBUG-18710] - Figure out what to do with semi-transparent widgets on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-18733] - Make the DITA XML generator output <apiRelation> elements where a type name is now output as plain text.
  • [QTBUG-18764] - Allow debugging of QML apps on Symbian via CODA/OST
  • [QTBUG-18790] - The qdoc DITA XML generator should set an outputclass attribute for the <codeblock> element
  • [QTBUG-19062] - Qt for Symbian should support word selection list with predictive text
  • [QTBUG-19913] - Do something about the out-of-date and confusing S60 naming in raster pixmap and paint engine classes.
  • [QTBUG-20171] - Back port "Way to enable/disable splitscreen translation automation" to Qt 4.7.4

Change Request

  • [QTBUG-6866] - no audiodevices found using QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices on Ubuntu 9.0.4
  • [QTBUG-23785] - QMediaPlayer does not allow clients to set Access Point


  • [QTBUG-13451] - Support property versioning in QML
  • [QTBUG-13852] - qmlRegisterType() needs version information
  • [QTBUG-15252] - Implement CFbsBitmap backend for QPixmap in OpenGL graphics system on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-15253] - Verify that applications using the OpenGL graphics system on Symbian consume zero graphics memory when they are not visible
  • [QTBUG-15254] - Implement QPixmap::fromSymbianRSgImage() in the OpenGL graphics system
  • [QTBUG-15716] - Default heap/stack size might not be enough for symbian
  • [QTBUG-15874] - Add right-to-left direction support for Row positioner
  • [QTBUG-15875] - Add right-to-left direction support for Grid positioner
  • [QTBUG-15876] - Add right-to-left direction support for Flow positioner
  • [QTBUG-15877] - Add right-to-left direction support for GridView element
  • [QTBUG-15878] - Add mirror property to Image, BorderImage and AnimatedImage elements
  • [QTBUG-15879] - Support mirroring of QML anchor layouts
  • [QTBUG-15880] - Verify that QtQuick text elements behave well in bidirectional languages
  • [QTBUG-15882] - Verify that QtQuick key navigation behaves well in right-to-left locales
  • [QTBUG-16010] - Add right-to-left direction support for horizontal ListView element
  • [QTBUG-16084] - Modify QTestLib in Qt to export required functionality
  • [QTBUG-16424] - Expose QApplication::layoutDirection property from QML
  • [QTBUG-16949] - Symbian: Recreate EGL surface on native window resize
  • [QTBUG-16977] - Symbian: Implement QPixmap::fromSymbianCFbsBitmap() in the OpenGL graphics system
  • [QTBUG-17256] - Change QGLPixmapData load functions to use the 'convertInPlace' versions of QImage to save memory
  • [QTBUG-17280] - Create LayoutMirroring attached properties for controlling Qt Quick application layout mirroring
  • [QTBUG-17358] - REG: No slots visible in Signal/Slot Editor slot combo-box delegate
  • [QTBUG-17476] - Ensure Qt 4.7 doesn't crash when a D-Bus message with file descriptors is received
  • [QTBUG-17490] - Add a way to query the reading direction of text from QML
  • [QTBUG-17834] - TextInput and TextEdit positionAt() methods shouldn't return cursor positions within preedit text.
  • [QTBUG-17835] - Add an input method is composing property to TextEdit and TextInput.
  • [QTBUG-17850] - Implement GL graphics system releaseCachedResources()
  • [QTBUG-18024] - Don't use EGL surfaces for translucency with 32MB GPU chip
  • [QTBUG-18027] - Lazy conversion in fromSymbianCFbsBitmap for OpenVG
  • [QTBUG-18209] - Native image handle provider support in QGLPixmapData
  • [QTBUG-18270] - Use destroyed swap behaviour in GL graphics system on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-18850] - Fix orientation change. Current behaviour results to black screen
  • [QTBUG-19180] - Simplify texture pooling in GL graphics system
  • [QTBUG-19183] - Enable multisampling if there's hw support for it on Symbian
  • [QTBUG-20216] - Update QtOpenGL section in Symbian platform notes
  • [QTBUG-20632] - New calculations blocked on result with > 13 characters

Edit/Copy Release Notes

The text area below allows the project release notes to be edited and copied to another document.