Release Notes - Qt - Version 4.8.2 - HTML format


  • [QTBUG-6305] - QTcpServer::listen() returns true when someone is already listening on that same port - Mac OS X
  • [QTBUG-7174] - [REG] QLineEdit: When an input mask is set then the cursor will no longer blink
  • [QTBUG-15715] - Qt v4.7.1 fails to compile with Intel C++ compiler on Microsoft Windows
  • [QTBUG-18498] - QSslSocket: calling peek() on the socket causes the entire socket buffer to be copied to a new buffer, meaning that peek *does* have side-effects in certain use cases
  • [QTBUG-19480] - QNetworkReply incorrectly report ContentReSendError for unrelated QNetworkReply
  • [QTBUG-19858] - Typo in QToolbar documentation
  • [QTBUG-20684] - Textedit&Textinput: "Bold" button cannot work well
  • [QTBUG-20924] - Threaded HTTP Backend in QNetworkAccessManager does not handle remote socket closes correctly
  • [QTBUG-22038] - QSqlField: When checking the field type for an aggregated column then it should give the right corresponding data type for the column
  • [QTBUG-22788] - qmake -tp vc generates extra folders
  • [QTBUG-23035] - When Qt is configured with -carbon and -static then uic3 will fail to build on Mac
  • [QTBUG-23218] - Version-Rescource incomplete
  • [QTBUG-23320] - Typo in raster window surface code
  • [QTBUG-23421] - qmake and vcxproj
  • [QTBUG-23513] - vcxproj setting /MANIFEST:NO doesn't work for Visual Studio 2010
  • [QTBUG-23632] - MSVS Developer Preview 11 fails to compile JavaScriptCore/runtime/Structure.h
  • [QTBUG-23719] - Major performance regression in Qt 4.8.0 OpenGL
  • [QTBUG-23820] - playing a video crashes the videowidget example with gstreamer backend [64bit Linux]
  • [QTBUG-23961] - adopted thread watcher can't clean up its own thread data
  • [QTBUG-24041] - The macros QT_NO_MITHSM should be replaced by QT_NO_MITSHM in gui/painting/qwindowsurface_raster.cpp
  • [QTBUG-24201] - 4.8.0 regression: QTgaHandler::canRead works incorrectly and breaks other plugins (qtjp2imageformat)
  • [QTBUG-24258] - CVE-2011-3464 vulnerability in bundled libpng 1.5.4
  • [QTBUG-24423] - Initial size of a QMainWindow with an unified title and toolbar where the toolbar is hidden is not correct as the toolbar area is too big
  • [QTBUG-24505] - Assert in QBmpHandler's read_dib_body() when loading palette based BMP images
  • [QTBUG-24594] - Crash occurs when the internal QNetworkAccessCache deletes any open sockets
  • [QTBUG-24673] - 4.8.0 QtScript JavaScriptCore causes compilation error for GCC 4.7.0
  • [QTBUG-24875] - QNAM pipelined HTTP requests receive data from another request that has been aborted
  • [QTBUG-24954] - qmake does not escape path names when writing them into a .vcxproj file
  • [QTBUG-24956] - qmake seems to confuse makespecs with VC++ 2010 Express
  • [QTBUG-24963] - QIdentityProxyModel: When calling setSourceModel() it should disconnect from the signals of the existing source model not the one passed in
  • [QTBUG-24965] - qFatal() is called when dragging some elements in a treeview in certain circumstances
  • [QTBUG-24996] - [Qt 4 branch only] sqlite driver eats/leaks memory
  • [QTBUG-25006] - When scaling a cosmetic pen then if the scale is small enough then it will cause the cosmetic pen to no longer have the width set
  • [QTBUG-25011] - QAbstractScrollArea: When this is created then the viewport is set to grab the pan gestures, however if gestures are never triggered then this will not be deleted when the widget is deleted
  • [QTBUG-25107] - IME: When showing the language menu on Mac it will cause any text that is being composed to left in a strange state in an input widget
  • [QTBUG-25128] - Value returned by QElapsedTimer::msecsTo is negative of what it should be according to documentation
  • [QTBUG-25184] - ListModel move() method moves entire list up when cacheBuffer >= item height
  • [QTBUG-25240] - Pressing Escape to close KMail About dialog causes segfault if QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 is in environment
  • [QTBUG-25308] - Configuring with -D QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT -D QT_NO_WARNING_OUTPUT causes a compile crash
  • [QTBUG-25389] - TextEdit crashes in setText after setting selection when switching between plain and rich text mode.
  • [QTBUG-25398] - libssl and libcrypto detection algorithms fail on Fedora
  • [QTBUG-25542] - Cannot open any https site
  • [QTBUG-25627] - 100% CPU Usage in QNetworkAccessCache::timerEvent for a momment
  • [QTBUG-25784] - QML Listview has memory leaks when QList<QObject*> model is used
  • [QTBUG-25960] - qiterator.h forward declares iterator categories
  • [QTBUG-45960] - QTcpServer::listen() returns true when someone is already listening on that same port - Mac OS X


  • [QTBUG-17262] - QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel: Close connection when unexpected data is coming in
  • [QTBUG-23846] - Improvement to the Qt Doc

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