Release Notes - Qt - Version 5.1.1 - HTML format


  • [QTBUG-24626] - Parts of Linguist tool chain are inconsistent in help messages
  • [QTBUG-29183] - Small typo in QXmlStreamReader documentation


  • [QTBUG-5301] - CONFIG -= embed_manifest_dll not sufficient to prevent embedding manifests in plugins when building through Visual Studio 2008
  • [QTBUG-5366] - configure -nomake accepts anything as argument, doesn't warn and may produce bad builds
  • [QTBUG-16757] - Exception floating-point division by zero
  • [QTBUG-17548] - Widget with Qt::FramelessWindowHint and Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground stops painting after minimize/restore
  • [QTBUG-19036] - IntersectsItemBoundingRect mode doesn't work on QGraphicsRectItem with custom shape
  • [QTBUG-19352] - qmake does not put rcc dependencies into Makefile when source and output paths don't have the same number of / in them
  • [QTBUG-20556] - Linker image size overflow
  • [QTBUG-21618] - QGraphicsItem: sceneTransform being set equal to local transform when ItemIgnoresTransformations flag is set
  • [QTBUG-21778] - configure produces misleading error message for some invalid arguments
  • [QTBUG-23597] - Canvas doc bugs
  • [QTBUG-23822] - QMediaPlayer doesn't release files after playing them on Windows
  • [QTBUG-25683] - Precompiled headers support for different platforms and build environments
  • [QTBUG-26011] - ActiveQt: Invoking Q_INVOKABLE method on QAxWidget crashes the external widget server process.
  • [QTBUG-27266] - Windows: QGLWidget causes lock up when window resizes/moves (MSVC2012 + Window 7 only).
  • [QTBUG-27379] - Remove nokia internal URL options from .init_repository (--nokia-developer, --berlin, --brisbane)
  • [QTBUG-28247] - QNX: adjust settings for separate debug info
  • [QTBUG-28336] - qmake installs complete frameworks twice, thus in the second pass overwriting sed magic from the first pass
  • [QTBUG-28745] - Filesystem view opens files on single click
  • [QTBUG-28763] - Compile error
  • [QTBUG-29206] - In the DirectShow plugin the conversion from MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32 is wrong (RGB <-> BGR)
  • [QTBUG-29261] - Qt5 ibase returns time always 00:00:00
  • [QTBUG-29391] - Windows: QProcess::waitForFinished not returning after timeout
  • [QTBUG-29396] - WM_CLASS is not set for widgets in X11
  • [QTBUG-29765] - asm sources can't be compiled when Qt configured with -pch (default)
  • [QTBUG-29826] - qmake project including Win32 resources fails to link with VS2012
  • [QTBUG-29945] - QGraphicsDropShadowEffect does not look right in 5.0.1 when setting a QGLWidget as viewport of a QGraphicsView
  • [QTBUG-29988] - qmake catches some QString's assertion when INSTALLS target references non-existent system variable via single $
  • [QTBUG-30141] - In the javascript console in a qwebview, navigator.plugins has false plugins information.
  • [QTBUG-30648] - SSL Heap modify after free
  • [QTBUG-30875] - REG: Rendering to pdf causes incorrect spacing between the letters and other problems
  • [QTBUG-30993] - project dependencies are written in an Visual Studio solution old format
  • [QTBUG-31044] - QDockWidget's default undock position is bad.
  • [QTBUG-31098] - QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory() native dialog does not respect caption and default directory (Windows XP)
  • [QTBUG-31206] - TableView custom column delegates cannot get click events
  • [QTBUG-31237] - avx-os-support runtime-detection-fail
  • [QTBUG-31265] - QAudioOutput, QAudioInput and by extension QSoundEffect don't use the correct default device
  • [QTBUG-31306] - GroupBox: ActiveFocusonTab not properly working
  • [QTBUG-31322] - Difference between Qt4.8 and Qt5.0 when print pdf
  • [QTBUG-31341] - Windows: QFileSystemWatcher does not allow to watch files/folders with special characters
  • [QTBUG-31351] - QDialog size restrictions are ignored
  • [QTBUG-31376] - HTML Form Controls Rendered as if they are disabled in QT5 with Windows Vista application Style
  • [QTBUG-31393] - remove libQt5Bootstrap.a from installer Qt5 components
  • [QTBUG-31396] - V8 corrupts the stack alignment on x86
  • [QTBUG-31428] - qmake contains() function second argument is a regex.
  • [QTBUG-31439] - null pointer access in QQuickVisualDataModelPrivate::incubatorStatusChanged
  • [QTBUG-31443] - QPDFWriter with set paper size creates wrong size PDF
  • [QTBUG-31450] - X11/Linux: QFontconfigDatabase::populateFontDatabase() is too slow
  • [QTBUG-31464] - Mouse clicks ignored in QtQuick2 window behind a click-through window
  • [QTBUG-31477] - AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps drawing errors
  • [QTBUG-31498] - OSX TextField echoMode behaves incorrectly
  • [QTBUG-31522] - Missing emit of onRunningChanged in AnimatedSprite
  • [QTBUG-31532] - Mac OSX: Opening a context menu causes the menu bar to switch from the window menu to the default menu
  • [QTBUG-31537] - TextArea: the scrollbar doesn't work well when show scroll bars automatically on Mac
  • [QTBUG-31538] - Regression: Spin boxes layouting broken with setFrame(false)
  • [QTBUG-31569] - Qt::WA_QuitOnClose has no effect if other windows that don't have the attribute set are present
  • [QTBUG-31571] - If QFile is empty, readAll() crashes with std::bad_alloc
  • [QTBUG-31572] - For the key event e.g. "Alt+g" modifiers Qt::AltModifier *and* Qt::MetaModifier are set
  • [QTBUG-31576] - Out of range error when using QtQuick1 in conjunction with qt5 when assigning properties over different QML files
  • [QTBUG-31578] - \page and \module together causes race condition
  • [QTBUG-31580] - TextEdit is trying to remove a paintedNode which is null and crashes
  • [QTBUG-31606] - QCoreApplication deadlock near posted events list
  • [QTBUG-31622] - SliderStyle: Slider handle's minimum position does not respect minimumValue
  • [QTBUG-31659] - Menu::popup() misinterprets mouse position when QQuickView is embedded in a QWidget
  • [QTBUG-31664] - Mouse over upper level separator does not close sub menu listing.
  • [QTBUG-31668] - Mac OSX: QDialogButtonBox buttons doesn't change focus correctly
  • [QTBUG-31670] - A enabled and a disabled Action looks the same in Fusion Style
  • [QTBUG-31689] - [REG] Far east characters and Windows 8 (Korean characters not displayed when "Current language for Non-UNICODE programs" is set to Korean)
  • [QTBUG-31739] - [documentation] Duplicate 'for' in QStyle class documentation.
  • [QTBUG-31745] - TweetSearch example uses a retired version of the Twitter API
  • [QTBUG-31747] - Assistant doesn't have a translation for en_GB
  • [QTBUG-31754] - Crash on Android when Qt is built as a static library
  • [QTBUG-31760] - Local path information is baked into Qt5Core.dll causing very hard to reproduce crashes
  • [QTBUG-31765] - MSVC2010 applications crash on windows 8
  • [QTBUG-31775] - Widgets created with QWidget::createWindowContainer does not have correct focus/activation
  • [QTBUG-31778] - docs: Qt Quick and Qt Quick Controls docs repeated under Qt Quick Layouts section
  • [QTBUG-31790] - Assistant - dialog for "page setup" is empty
  • [QTBUG-31803] - GUI applications crash on OS X Mavericks (related to font handling)
  • [QTBUG-31819] - Qt5, QColorDialog getColor() shows multiple ok cancell button
  • [QTBUG-31837] - Blend effect not changing when mode property changes
  • [QTBUG-31839] - SpinBox should not display group separators
  • [QTBUG-31873] - ListView: broken remove animation
  • [QTBUG-31877] - qmake regression with cat function
  • [QTBUG-31883] - Qt5: Special menu like Preference, about etc do not merge in Mac Application Menu
  • [QTBUG-31904] - In Fusion style, the text in vertical QDockWidget titlebars isn't rendered vertically.
  • [QTBUG-31911] - Designer: Morphing a widget messes up its order in QSplitter
  • [QTBUG-31919] - Typo in qthreadpool.cpp
  • [QTBUG-31921] - QtQml docs: the Qt "namespace" is hard to find
  • [QTBUG-31926] - Number precision in QJsonDocument.toJson() is still not enough for double
  • [QTBUG-31932] - QtDbus: KIO scheduler exit handler crashes VLC
  • [QTBUG-31956] - MacOS: qmlviewer crash when resizing windows when assistive devices is enabled
  • [QTBUG-31961] - QWindow::setIcon does not set the window's icon (if the platform window does not exist yet)
  • [QTBUG-31968] - Layout attached property not available to SplitView children
  • [QTBUG-31975] - Defining MANIFEST:NO in *.pro is not parsed to vcproj in VS2008
  • [QTBUG-31992] - Filling a combo box with QVariant<int> does not work
  • [QTBUG-31993] - [autotests] tst_QIcon::availableSizes() and tst_QIcon::task223279_inconsistentAddFile() fail with -no-widgets
  • [QTBUG-31995] - [autotests] tst_QWindow::positioning() on Ubuntu 12.04 x64
  • [QTBUG-32042] - Windows: Crash in quick\controls\text example
  • [QTBUG-32054] - QColorDialog adds custom color to wrong place with key events
  • [QTBUG-32061] - QLineEdit: placeholder text affects cursor position
  • [QTBUG-32080] - [CMake] issue with searching dll
  • [QTBUG-32100] - qtbase doesn't build with latest clang
  • [QTBUG-32121] - Windows: Desktop OpenGL: render() not called when window shrinking in size
  • [QTBUG-32125] - Windows: Crash in gallery example
  • [QTBUG-32130] - Android Build Fails When Configured Run-Time OpenSSL
  • [QTBUG-32138] - Hello World for QtQuick2 does not compile with #include <QDeclarative/QDeclarative> when QML debugging is on
  • [QTBUG-32145] - qmake fails assertion when building on Mac's /tmp dir
  • [QTBUG-32159] - toUpperCase in JavaScript yields wrong results
  • [QTBUG-32161] - Invalid access to memory in QmlEnginePrivate destructor
  • [QTBUG-32177] - Windows: QWidget::createWindowContainer focused widget causes QApplication::activeWindow to return NULL
  • [QTBUG-32180] - QWidget::createWindowContainer focused widget prevents menu accelerators from working
  • [QTBUG-32181] - QWebView randomly crashes on loading page with flash plugin
  • [QTBUG-32189] - Windows CE: Assert in QWindowsFontEngine
  • [QTBUG-32192] - Documentation issue in developing-on-mac
  • [QTBUG-32193] - REG: Assert when first drawing unprojected text and then projected text with QPainter.
  • [QTBUG-32206] - configure fails to create QtCore/qconfig.h
  • [QTBUG-32207] - qmlscene does not cleanup top level windows
  • [QTBUG-32217] - [REG]: Native FileDialog isn't used on Windows XP x64 by default
  • [QTBUG-32223] - qtdeclarative/examples/quick/window shows only partial splash screen
  • [QTBUG-32226] - Build error with angle renderer and D3DCompiler
  • [QTBUG-32228] - No sizegrip for QMdiSubWindow
  • [QTBUG-32230] - Crash when closing a combo box
  • [QTBUG-32242] - QGuiApplicationPrivate::updateBlockedStatus getting called on non-toplevel widgets with underlying native windows
  • [QTBUG-32246] - iOS: Make sure we're deleting framebuffers in the right context
  • [QTBUG-32248] - Updating Qt component with MaintenanceTool/Updater will cause error
  • [QTBUG-32252] - SplitView does not react properly to an orientation change
  • [QTBUG-32256] - Active Qt module no longer builds in stable branch
  • [QTBUG-32258] - Changing the snap mode does not snap
  • [QTBUG-32260] - Dockwidget\s visibilitychanged signalling wrong information if 2 monitors are connected and secondary on the left
  • [QTBUG-32268] - Docs: qmake reference page titles
  • [QTBUG-32276] - Tooltip does not open when hoovering a button
  • [QTBUG-32282] - Qt Multimedia camera still doesn't work on Windows MSVC 2010 32-bit
  • [QTBUG-32284] - Binary compatibility with QProcess::open and QLocalSocket::open's new override in Qt 5.1
  • [QTBUG-32311] - Strange behavior of QDesktopServices::openUrl
  • [QTBUG-32314] - QDir::mkpath regression, Windows
  • [QTBUG-32325] - Qt5 Eats Your Memory
  • [QTBUG-32326] - qmake's handling of paths with spaces in prl files is broken
  • [QTBUG-32332] - qdeclarative/qqml xmlhttprequest: wrong method for redirects
  • [QTBUG-32343] - [REG] Active Qt: Widgets created by QAxServer appear as toplevel
  • [QTBUG-32354] - QProcess waitForFinished freezes while running "adb start-server"
  • [QTBUG-32359] - qtdeclarative 5.1.0 systemdialogs examples FTBFS
  • [QTBUG-32365] - The paths to the dependent libraries are incorrect in the binary packages for Mac as they include a //
  • [QTBUG-32374] - QDBusAbstractInterface::isValid() returns false for p2p connections
  • [QTBUG-32385] - Qt-5.1 ignores Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus
  • [QTBUG-32400] - Transient scroll bars block mouse interaction when hidden in ScrollView
  • [QTBUG-32403] - Qt Designer Plugins not load properly when using RelWithDebInfo and CMake build
  • [QTBUG-32404] - Crash in QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::_q_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError)
  • [QTBUG-32410] - Documentation for QAbstractItemModel::supportedDragActions() refers deprecated method
  • [QTBUG-32430] - qRegisterMetaType<QPointer<QWidget> > does not compile
  • [QTBUG-32433] - QDialog with Qt::Tool flag doesn't behave fully as modal when exec() is called
  • [QTBUG-32440] - Mac OS: QAccessibleWidget::state() crash
  • [QTBUG-32449] - Clean up the -make examples/-no-make examples/-compile-examples confusion
  • [QTBUG-32458] - Qml ShaderEffect fragmentShader not applied
  • [QTBUG-32466] - Cmake started requiring private headers being installed
  • [QTBUG-32469] - QT::HANDLE is not documented to be void* for Linux (X11)
  • [QTBUG-32492] - QML's Date.toLocaleString() and friends are not documented
  • [QTBUG-32500] - QTextCodec::availableCodecs only returns ICU codecs when compiled with ICU support
  • [QTBUG-32506] - QML Slider: Negative values do not work as expected
  • [QTBUG-32507] - Build from source failure on linuxes with kernels older than 2.6.31
  • [QTBUG-32534] - Corrupted QHttpMultiPart MIME multipart message
  • [QTBUG-32545] - QML ColorDialog in QtQuick.Dialogs doesn't set initial value
  • [QTBUG-32560] - EvdevKeyboard: Numeric keys with CapsLock 'on' output special characters
  • [QTBUG-32571] - Building QtSensors fails with some Win Embedded 7 SDKs due to "near" already being defined
  • [QTBUG-32579] - CMake files have a copy-pasto
  • [QTBUG-32621] - ColorDialog in QtQuick.Dialogs doesn't set initial color in widget-based QColorDialog
  • [QTBUG-32625] - REG: Remove -D QT_OPENGL_FORCE_SHADER_DEFINES from Android build
  • [QTBUG-32649] - [autotest] tst_qfont fails on OSX 10.8
  • [QTBUG-32665] - TableView page up / page down navigation does not work
  • [QTBUG-32684] - QSerialPortInfo returns empty VID/PID for USB Huawei 3G Modem
  • [QTBUG-32688] - Wrong paths to examples in Model/View tutorial
  • [QTBUG-32711] - ListView: section.labelPositioning causes segmentation fault
  • [QTBUG-32712] - WindowContainer example fails to compile with OpenGL disabled
  • [QTBUG-32758] - XMLHttpRequest not working properly on android
  • [QTBUG-32779] - QtQuick Controls: tooltip causes a crash if the application is a QGuiApplication
  • [QTBUG-32781] - Android: qsrand() has no effect
  • [QTBUG-32809] - CMake fails while including provided configs
  • [QTBUG-32831] - OSX 10.8.4: QPrinter::setPaperName() causes a crash
  • [QTBUG-32877] - Remotecontrol example application: help content not found
  • [QTBUG-32878] - Android: Rotation doesn't work
  • [QTBUG-32879] - Browser example application crashes after starting the application
  • [QTBUG-32930] - The program has unexpectedly finished.
  • [QTBUG-32946] - Windows 8: When touching a mouse area in Qt Quick 2 then it will get two clicked events when a touch screen is involved
  • [QTBUG-33177] - Double spin box - step buttons sometimes freezes
  • [QTBUG-33226] - Qt menu problem with OSX standard behavior.
  • [QTBUG-33388] - Android Build Fails When Configured Run-Time OpenSSL
  • [QTBUG-33923] - CentOS/RedHat: Moving a scrollbar handle quickly from down to up or up to down the handle goes over
  • [QTBUG-35007] - Cannot find elements when using Ranorex UI test tool.
  • [QTBUG-37049] - register deprecated warnings when compiling with clang 3.4
  • [QTBUG-37284] - With qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.1.1 source code to compile static library compiled Qt application does not display Chinese
  • [QTBUG-37558] - Keyboard shortcuts don't work in multi-language mode, part 2


  • [QTBUG-29168] - Document qmake function libraries
  • [QTBUG-31802] - Odd aliasing of Qt logo in installer
  • [QTBUG-32576] - Android: Configure Qt with -D QT_OPENGL_FORCE_SHADER_DEFINES
  • [QTBUG-32808] - Add missing changes files (qtbase, qtdeclarative, qtmultimedia)


  • [QTBUG-16160] - Incomplete documentation for PathView.NoHighlightRange
  • [QTBUG-24457] - Display events: connect/disconnect, resolution change
  • [QTBUG-32972] - Parsing of the Compose file breaks with backslashes (escape characters)

Technical task

  • [QTBUG-31490] - QML Types should be listed in a single page

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