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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-29801

PathView flicks strangely slow at some point




      The code works well when Qt 4 (QtQuick 1.1).

      It’s like an advertising column.

          import QtQuick 2.0
          Rectangle {
           id: desktop
              width: 1258
              height: 697
           color: "red"
           ListModel {
            id: ads_model
            ListElement {
             color: "green"
            ListElement {
             color: "blue"
            ListElement {
             color: "yellow"
           PathView {
            id: path_view
                   anchors.fill: parent
                   model: ads_model
                   delegate: Rectangle {  
             id: homepage_game
             width: 878;
             height: 405  
             z: 2 + index / 10  
             scale: PathView.scale
             color: model.color
             focus: true
                   preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5
                   preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5
             flickDeceleration: 380
                  path: Path {
             startX: 180 - (ads_model.count - 1) * 440; startY: 280
             PathAttribute { name: "scale"; value: 0.618 }
             PathLine { x: desktop.width / 2; y: 280 }
             PathAttribute { name: "scale"; value: 1.0 }
             PathLine { x: desktop.width - 180 + (ads_model.count - 1) * 440; y: 280 }

      There are 3 rectangles that can be horizontally dragged. Whenever releasing the mouse, the rectangle flicks to the left or right (according to its position)

      Normally, it works well. But occasionally there’s a problem:

      I try to drag a rectangle to such a position, that about half of this rectangle can be seen ( the other half is clipped by the window ), then the rectangle moves to the destination position at a very low speed. At other positions, the rectangle moves at a obviously different speed.

      This position is not easy to be found so the ‘low speed situation’ is not easy to reproduce. I can reproduce it after trying about 5 times. The ‘slow’ is quite obvious compared to the normal situation.

      When I’m using Qt4, there’s no such situation.

      And I also tried the examples. examples\quick\views\pathview\pathview-example.qml (QtQuick2) also has the same problem. Because the items in the examples is smaller so the issue is not so obvious and hard to reproduce (10 times +), I suggest you to test my code, not the example.

      examples\declarative\modelviews\pathview\qml\pathview-example\pathview-example.qml (QtQuick1) has no such problem.

      I'm on WinXP.


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