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  1. Qt Creator

Several issues with file "deployment" in wizard generated "Qt Quick App" and "Qt Mobile" apps.




      The cross platform strategy requires shadow building of projects in order to not mix intermediate build files e.g. of Desktop Qt and Symbian Qt. I believe, that many people agree here.
      Shadow building brings challenges when it comes to application data which are supposed to be shipped with the app. We want to offer file system based application resources since .qrc is not the optimal solution on mobile devices (I assume most people agree also here).

      So, we added Makefile step based file copying to the wizard generated .pro/.pri files. Most people will agree that this kind of functionality should in the future be done cleanly by qmake and not in 50 lines of hackish, duplicated .pro/.pri files code.

      However, in Creator 2.1 we have what we have, and it still has a few issues. This task is the umbrella task for these issues.

      All of the subtasks can be fixed by:

      • Create copy commands also if PWD == OUT_PWD, but only create copy commands if the source and target path of a deployment directory are different.
      • Add quotation marks around paths in order to allow deployment of data which is located in typical directories such as "C:\documents and settings\firstname lastname\my documents"
      • Remove that '@' before the 'echo' or omit the echo completely

      Implementation of the fix happens here
      Merge request for the fix is here


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            portale Alessandro Portale
            portale Alessandro Portale
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